
WP Bones includes a variety of “helper” PHP functions, many of which are used by the framework itself; however, you are free to use them in your own applications if you find them convenient. Some of these functions are a clone of the Laravel helper functions.

Available Methods



/* Utility to get an instance of Logger. */
function logger()


logger()->info('Your message here');

That’s a shortcut to get the instance of the logger. You may use also

$logger = WPKirk()->log();

Since this function is not using the prefix wpbones_ you should be careful to use it in your code. In fact, if you have another plugin or theme that uses the same function, you will have a conflict. See wpbones_logger() for a safer way to get the logger instance.



 * Return a new associative array with $default values +/- $merge values.
 * @param array $default The default array values.
 * @param array $merge   An associate (+) or key values (-) array. 
 *                       For example, if you'll use [ 'foo' ] the 'foo' will
 *                       be added to $default array. 
 *                       If you'll use [ 'foo', 'bar' => false ], then 'foo' will be added
 *                       and 'bar' will be removed.
 * @return array
function wpbones_array_assoc_default($default, $merge): array



 * Insert a key => value into a second array to a specify index
 * @brief Insert a key value pairs in array
 * @param array  $arr   Source array
 * @param string $key   Key
 * @param mixed  $val   Value
 * @param int    $index Optional. Index zero base
 * @return array
function wpbones_array_insert($arr, $key, $val, $index = 0): array



 * Commodity to extends checked() WordPress function with array check
 * @param string|array $haystack Single value or array
 * @param mixed        $current  (true) The other value to compare if not just true
 * @param bool         $echo     Whether to echo or just return the string
 * @return string html attribute or empty string
function wpbones_checked($haystack, $current, $echo = true)


The wpbones_checked() function is similar to WordPress checked() except for array support:

<input type="checkbox" <?php wpbones_checked( [1,2,3], $current ) ?> name="product" />



 * Gets the value of an environment variable. Supports boolean, empty and null.
 * @param string $key
 * @param mixed  $default
 * @return mixed
function wpbones_env($key, $default = null)


The wpbones_env() function retrieves the value of an environment variable or returns a default value.

$env = wpbones_env('APP_ENV');
// Return a default value if the variable does not exist...
$env = wpbones_env('APP_ENV', 'production');



   * Flattens a multi-dimensional array or comma-separated string and removes duplicates.
   * This function takes an input which can be either a multi-dimensional array
   * or a comma-separated string, flattens it into a single-dimensional array,
   * and removes any duplicate values.
   * @param array|string $input The input to be flattened and uniquified.
   *                            Can be a multi-dimensional array or a comma-separated string.
   * @return array A flat array with unique values.
  function wpbones_flatten_and_uniquify($input): array


The wpbones_flatten_and_uniquify() function takes an input that can be either a multi-dimensional array or a comma-separated string, flattens it into a single-dimensional array, and removes any duplicate values.

$flattened = wpbones_flatten_and_uniquify('item1');
// Output: ['item1']
$flattened = wpbones_flatten_and_uniquify('item1, item2, item3');
// Output: ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']
$flattened = wpbones_flatten_and_uniquify(['item1', 'item2', 'item3']);
// Output: ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']
$flattened = wpbones_flatten_and_uniquify(['item1', 'item2', ['item3', 'item4']]);
// Output: ['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4']



 * Utility to check if a value is true.
 * @param mixed $value String, boolean or integer.
 * @return bool
function wpbones_is_true($value): bool


The wpbones_is_true() function determines if a value is true. This function is useful when you need to check if a value is true, regardless of its type.

if ( wpbones_is_true('true') ) {
  // Do something...



/* Utility to get an instance of Logger. */
function wpbones_logger()


wpbones_logger()->info('Your message here');

That’s a shortcut to get the instance of the logger. You may use also

$logger = WPKirk()->log();



 * Return a provider by name
 * @param string  $name The Class name of the provider.
 * @return mixed|null
function wpbones_provider($provider)


That’s a shortcode of WPKirk()->provider() to get an instance of a provider. You may use also

$provider = WPKirk()->provider('my_provider');



 * Commodity to extends selected() WordPress function with array check
 * @param string|array $haystack Single value or array
 * @param mixed        $current  (true) The other value to compare if not just true
 * @param bool         $echo     Whether to echo or just return the string
 * @return string html attribute or empty string
function wpbones_selected($haystack, $current, $echo = true)


The wpbones_selected() function is similar to WordPress selected() except for array support :

<select name="products">
  <?php foreach( $products as $key => $value ) : ?>
  <option <?php wpbones_selected( [1,2,3], $key ) ?>><?php echo $value ?></option>
  <?php endforeach; ?>



 * Return the default value of the given value.
 * @param mixed $value
 * @return mixed
function wpbones_value($value)

The wpbones_value function’s behavior will simply return the value it is given. However, if you pass a Closure to the function, the Closure will be executed, and then its result will be returned:

$value = wpbones_value( function() { return 'bar'; });