DocumentationBones ConsoleBones Console

Bones Command-Line Interface

Bones is also the name of the command-line interface included with all our WP Bones Boilerplate. It provides a number of helpful commands for your use while developing your plugin. You will use the Bones command-line interface to start your development. First of all, try the command-line console by running:

> php bones

WP Bones CLI

Then, you can change the plugin namespace from WPKirk to My First WP Bones Plugin, for example:

php bones rename "My First WP Bones Plugin"

Note: On Windows, the command line treats single quotes differently than double quotes. To ensure compatibility, always use double quotes for arguments containing spaces.

As you can see from the above command, the plugin name is enclosed in double quotes. This is because the plugin name contains spaces. If the plugin name does not contain spaces, you can omit the double quotes. Moreover, the plugin name is the first argument and you can skip the second argument if you want to use the namespace generated by the plugin name.

Great! You are quite ready to start developing.

Common Commands


When your plugin is ready, you can use the deploy bones command in order to create a new folder useful to submit your plugin to the repository.

php bones deploy your-path/mydeploy

Remeber that you can ask for help by using:

php bones deploy --help
  deploy <path>
  path		The complete path of deploy.
  [--wp]	You are going to release this plugin in the public repository.

The --wp option will create a deploy folder with the necessary files to submit your plugin to the WordPress repository. For further information, see here.


Starting from WP Bones v1.5.0 we added a new option --wp to deploy the plugin to the WordPress repository. This option will create a deploy folder with the necessary files to submit your plugin to the WordPress repository. For further information, see here.

In the mydeploy folder, you will find only the necessary files to run your plugin. Without the --wp option the developer’s resources/assets folder will be removed.

Customize Deploy

Of course, you may customize the deployment process by editing the deploy.php file. In this file, you can add your own commands to run before and after the deployment. You will also find some actions and filters to customize the deployment process.

For example, you can add any custom command to run before the deployment by using:

* Fired when the deploy command is started
* @param object $console Instance of WPBones Console
* @param string $path Destination path
add_action('wpbones_console_deploy_start', function ($console, $path) {
    // Do something
}, 10, 2);

Or change the list of skipped files by using:

* Filter the list of the folder to skip for the deploy version
* @param array $folders List of folders to skip
* @return array List of folders to skip
add_filter('wpbones_console_deploy_skip_folders', function ($folders) {
    return $folders;


The install command is used to install the WP Bones framework. You can use the install command by running:

php bones install

→ See more about Installing WP Bones.


The optimize command uses the composer dump-autoload -o command to optimize the autoloader. You can use the optimize command by running:

php bones optimize


The rename command is used to rename the plugin namespace. You can use the rename command by running:

php bones rename "My First WP Bones Plugin"

→ See more about Naming your Plugin.


The require command is used to install third-party packages. You can use the require command by running:

php bones require <PackageName>

Under the hood the require command uses the composer require command. But it also renames the package name in the composer.json file.

We recommend using this command instead of composer require because by doing so, an automatic renaming will be performed.


The tinker command is used to open an interactive shell. You can use the tinker command by running:

php bones tinker

Now you can run any PHP code

>>> echo "Hello"

You can also use any WordPress function

>>> echo get_bloginfo('version');


The update command is used to update the WP Bones framework. You can use the update command by running:

php bones update

→ After updating the WP Bones framework, have a look at the Changelog to see what’s new.
→ And you may also check the Core Plugin Files to see if there are any changes.


The version command is used to version your plugin. You can use the version command by running:

php bones version 1.0.0

The above command will update the plugin version in the main plugin file and in the readme.txt file.

Despite PHP Bones supporting semantic versioning, we suggest you use the same version in the readme.txt file and in the main plugin file. In short, avoid using the v prefix in the version number.

You can see the help by using:

php bones version --help
readme.txt > 1.4.0 (Stable tag: 1.4.0)
wp-kirk.php  > 1.4.0 ( * Version: 1.4.0)
  version [plugin version]
  [plugin version]		    The version of plugin. Examples: '2.0',  'v1.2',  '1.2.0-rc.40', 'v1-beta.4'
  [--major]			        Increment the <major>.y.z of plugin.
  [--minor]			        Increment the x.<minor>.z of plugin.
  [--patch]			        Increment the x.y.<patch> of plugin.
  [--pre-patch] <prefix>	Increment the x.y.<patch>-<prefix>.<i> of plugin.
  [--pre-minor] <prefix>	Increment the x.<minor>.z-<prefix>.<i> of plugin.
  [--pre-major] <prefix>	Increment the <major>.y.z-<prefix>.<i> of plugin.

The php bones version command can handle the version starting from the current version of the plugin. You can use the following options:


Increments the major version number. For example, if the current version is 1.0.0, the new version will be 2.0.0.


Increment the minor version number. For example, if the current version is 1.0.0, the new version will be 1.1.0.


Increment the patch version number. For example, if the current version is 1.0.0, the new version will be 1.0.1.

You can also use the --pre-patch, --pre-minor, and --pre-major options to increment the version with a prefix. For example, if the current version is 1.0.0, the new version will be 1.0.1-rc.1.

The default prefix is rc. But you can change it by using:

php bones version 1.0.0 --pre-patch beta

The above command will update the plugin version to 1.0.1-beta.1.


The plugin command is used to get and check your plugin. You can use the plugin command by running:

php bones plugin

You will see the current header of your main plugin file.

 * Plugin Name: WP Kirk Demo
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description: WP Bones Demo WordPress plugin
 * Version: 1.6.1
 * Requires at least: 6.2
 * Requires PHP: 8.2
 * Author: Giovambattista Fazioli
 * Author URI:
 * License: GPLv2 or later
 * License URI:
 * Text Domain: wp-kirk
 * Domain Path: languages

Check the help for more options:

php bones plugin --help
 php bones plugin [options]
Available options:
 --check-header              Check the plugin header


The --check-header option is used to check the plugin header. You can use the --check-header option by running:

php bones plugin --check-header


The Bones command console provides a set of commands to create some base classes. For example, you can create a Custom Post Type by using:

php bones make:cpt MyCustomPostTypeClass