Services Provider


In WordPress you can have three different Ajax access:

  • Only for logged-in users
  • Only for not-logged-in users
  • For everyone

In order to allow Ajax call, you have to edit the /config/plugin.php file. In the Ajax section you can insert the list of your own Ajax classes, for example:

  | Ajax
  | Here is where you can register your own Ajax actions.
  'ajax' => [ '\WPKirk\Ajax\MyAjax' ],

In the \WPKirk\Ajax\MyAjax class you will list your methods/actions for logged, not logged or trusted users:

class MyAjax extends WordPressAjaxServiceProvider {
   * List of the ajax actions executed by both logged and not logged users.
   * Here you will use a methods list.
   * @var array
  protected $trusted = [
   * List of the ajax actions executed only by logged-in users.
   * Here you will use a methods list.
   * @var array
  protected $logged = [
   * List of the ajax actions executed only by the not logged-in user, usually from the frontend.
   * Here you will use a methods list.
   * @var array
  protected $notLogged = [
   * You may also define the capability required to execute the action.
  protected $capability = 'manage_options';

Using the php bones make:ajax Bones command, we can quickly create an Ajax Service Provider.

The parent class WordPressAjaxServiceProvider will register on your behalf the WordPress actions that you need. So, let's have a look at a complete example:

namespace WPKirk\Ajax;
use WPKirk\WPBones\Foundation\WordPressAjaxServiceProvider;
class MyAjax extends WordPressAjaxServiceProvider {
   * List of the ajax actions executed by both logged and not logged users.
   * Here you will use a methods list.
   * @var array
  protected $trusted = [
   * List of the ajax actions executed only by logged-in users.
   * Here you will use a methods list.
   * @var array
  protected $logged = [
   * List of the ajax actions executed only by the not logged-in users, usually from the frontend.
   * Here you will use a methods list.
   * @var array
  protected $notLogged = [
  public function trusted()
    $response = "trusted";
    wp_send_json( $response );
  public function logged()
    $response = "logged";
    wp_send_json( $response );
  public function notLogged()
    $response = "notLogged";
    wp_send_json( $response );

You can also get the post variables by using $this->request->get('post_name'). WordPress provides several functions to return a JSON result. For example, you may use:



wp_send_json_success( [ 'hello' => 'world' ] );

In Javascript side, you'll find:

$.post(ajaxurl, {}, function (response) {
	if (response.success) {
		// success property is set by WordPress wp_send_json_success
	} else {
		// also data property is by WordPress wp_send_json_success
		// but it contains your custom array/object

The wp_send_json_error function works in the same way.