Pages Routing

In addition to Menus Routing, you may add a page routing without creating a menu.

In the config/routes.php you’ll find an array with the page routing settings:

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
| Custom page routes
| Here is where you can register all page routes for your custom view.
| Then you will use $plugin->getPageUrl( 'custom_page' ) to get the URL.
return [
  'custom_page' => [
    'title'      => 'Title of page',
    'capability' => 'read',
    'route'      => [
      'get' => 'Dashboard\DashboardController@customPage'

As you can see, a page route is very similar to a menu. Also, the route key works like the route menu. You can get the URL of a page by using $plugin->getPageUrl method. For example, to get the URL of the above custom page, please use:

$url = $plugin->getPageUrl( 'custom_page');
// you'll get something like

Custom Admin Pages folder

You may also create a custom page by creating a file in the folder pages. Let’s say you want to create a custom page called custom_page. You have to create a file called custom_page.php in the pages folder.

use WPKirk\WPBones\Routing\Pages\Support\Page;
class CustomPage extends Page
    public function title()
        return "Hello, Custom Page!";
    public function render()
        return $this->plugin->view('dashboard.custom_page');

The class name is not important. You can use any name you want. The most important thing is the name of the file. In this case, the file name is custom_page.php. This means that the slug of the page will be custom_page.

You will be able to get the URL of the custom page by using $plugin->getPageUrl method. For example, to get the URL of the above custom page, please use:

<?php $plugin->getPageUrl('custom_page'); ?>